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EDRAKOREA(CEO Kwak Jungyu), block-chain developing firm based on a mobile platform, signed a partnership contract with HOME SHOPPING PRODUCTS SUPPLIERS’ ASSOCIATION for the investment of M-COMMERCE gate business as revealed on the 31st. 

M-COMMERCE gate is an enterprise-oriented business to build up an integrated mobile gateway and is one of the core projects of Korea Home Shopping Products Suppliers’ Association to establish maker spaces. The Association will utilize M-COMMERCE gateway to undertake data home shopping businesses for 7 million Koreans abroad and aims to expand home shopping business networks between countries. 

EDRAKOREA is going to adapt block chain technology into the M-Commerce gate business to develop a new platform for manufacturing and distributions. It also intends to support various educational programs such as the case studies of the convergence of next generation block chain technology, mobile block chain with contents industries. 

In particular, EDRAKOREA wants to realize a mobile block-chain business that allows actual means of payment on M-Commerce gate using EDRA COINs, developed by logical sharing mining block chain technology based on mobile devices.

The CEO said that “EDRAKOREA will establish a new platform based on block-chain through EDRA’s mobile block-chain technology and the Association’s home shopping & data shopping network.” He continued to mention that, “The merge of maker business, which creates and develops innovative products and services, and mobile block-chain distribution platform based on creative ideas will produce a great synergy effect.”

Reporter Jaehun Jung skjjh@

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