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Launched ‘EDRA’ that aims to liberalize mobile phone charges through block-chain ecosystem

▲ Launched ‘EDRA’ that aims to liberalize mobile phone charges through block-chain ecosystem ⓒNewstown

The platform service ‘EDRA’, which builds a block-chain ecosystem based on mobile devices, has been launched and started their AppStore service.

'EDRA' provides two types of software platforms: a block chain that is mined on a smartphone functioning as a cryptocurrency, and an AppStore ecosystem service that can build a mining ecosystem based on this block chain.

First of all, the main strong points as an application service harboring block-chain technology and cryptocurrency is that all general mobile activities such as listening to music, gaming, SNS activities, and etc. can become a method of mining EDRA Coins.

The AppStore gathers various services based on block-chain and users can easily search for these services. Also, users can either use apps based on block-chain or regular apps with the EDRA mining API.

In addition, EDRA offers two types of hardware platforms. One is a mobile device self-producing method, which aims to primarily produce about 1 million units. EDRA applications is built on the system by default on their own devices, and also is built in by default on affiliated applications based on block-chain.

The other is a special edition device that is affiliated with other companies, which makes it easier to install and configure services like on EDRA devices, though it is less powerful than its counterpart.

‘EDRA’ said that, "Consumers will resolve device purchasing and phone charges with the EDRA Coin, and EDRA Platform's ecosystem will ultimately target to start an era of mobile phone cost savings based on block-chains." 

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