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The Mobile industry and EDRA

Hello. We are the EDRA team, the team behind a real cryptocurrency that will be used in the real economy. In March, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) was successfully held with many people attending.

The fact that there are many people who are interested and participated in the MWC shows that the mobile industry is receiving a lot of global attention. According to GSMA’s report that was released shortly after the conference, the mobile market has an increasing impact on overall GDP and is expected to play a significant role in public finance and employment.

In fact, these results are not surprising because as smartphone manufacturers are adding convenient and complex functions and features to the device, it almost seems impossible to live without such gadgets. Demand for mobile devices will continue to grow in the years to come, and we expect that this percentage will be reflected in the economic indicators of GDP.

As the index from eMarketer says, we are currently moving from a simple digital world to a mobile digital world. The use of heavy, uncomfortable computers is becoming less frequent, and demand for light, fast mobile devices is growing. Many experts predict that desktop computers will not be used as much and demand for mobile devices will increase. Essentially, we are in the era of mobile devices.

Then What about Mobile Advertising?

The percentage of advertisements in mobile devices is also increasing every year, replacing traditional desktop advertising campaigns. These indicators suggest that we have moved beyond the Internet to the mobile Internet era.

A Cost-Saving Technology

As the market for mobile device continues to grow, cost becomes the most important thing. In other words, the expansion of the market size and the interest for mobile marketing will inevitably come with a higher cost. As mobile becomes a must, these costs will go even higher. To solve this problem, our team has created EDRA. The issue of high communications costs is impossible to solve with traditional technology but can be resolved with blockchain technology.

Through the method of mobile mining, EDRA will distribute EDRA coins to users and allow them to pay for communications costs with these coins. Businesses will be able to share their vision and advertise their products on the platform. This generates a win-win situation for consumers and businesses. Ultimately, this is a way to reduce costs for both sides.

There is a saying, “Follow the trend.” In addition to following the trend, EDRA will also provide solutions that address the challenges created by the trend.

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