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EDRA’s Smart Phone Mining System

Hello, we are the EDRA team, the team behind a real cryptocurrency that will be used in the real economy. Mining is always a popular topic when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Some people like Jihan Wu (Bitmain) became famous for their cryptocurrency mining businesses.
In September of last year, when the Chinese government imposed regulations on cryptocurrency mining, the price of mineable coins like Bitcoin dropped substantially, and the market turned its attention to the future of mining.
We have to talk about mining when we discuss cryptocurrencies. Mining has evolved from Bitcoin’s proof-of-work to proof-of-stake to Dan Larimer’s delegated proof-of-stake.

To briefly explain these terms, proof-of-work rewards miners for solving problems with hash power. Proof-of-stake rewards people for holding a larger stake of coins. And delegated proof-of-stake solves the problem of proof-of-stake mining by giving rights to certain delegates.

STEEMIT is a system that adopted the delegated proof-of-stake system, but it created a new concept called proof-of-brain, an idea in which many people were interested. In this way, mining is popular and its ways are constantly evolving.

Then what kind of mining system has EDRA adopted? The oldest proof-of-work method? Or the proof-of-stake method that solves the cost problem? Or the delegated proof-of-stake system? EDRA, with its own blockchain, has its own mining method.

EDRA’s Mobile Mining

EDRA is a smart phone platform. Thus, it uses smart phones and mobile devices to mine using a non-computational mining method. Instead of distributing rewards based on computation, it uses a specific logic to hand out rewards. This method does not require expensive graphics cards or ASIC equipment; it allows people to produce blocks with their mobile devices. That is why we call this mobile mining. Because it is a mobile mining system, there is no excessive consumption of electricity or any other form of damage done to the environment. We’ve also lowered the possibility of abuse within the system. One of the greatest advantages to EDRA’s mobile mining is it does not require a high entry fee. Thanks to this, you guys can now participate in mining!

A Mobile Mining Ecosystem

Frankly, the most important players in EDRA’s ecosystem are users of EDRA’s platform and businesses. First, there is a very low barrier to entry for everyone. You can either download the app from the app store or purchase EDRA’s phone. You can participate in mining by following either of these steps.

For smart mining, you mine coins after you fulfill certain objectives on EDRA’s application.

Second, we have action mining, which rewards you with coins when you complete certain missions found in the contents within EDRA’s ecosystem.

Pretty simple isn’t it? Join EDRA, where anyone can mine coins.

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